24x7: 1800-2020-100 info@auts.ac.in
24x7: 1800-2020-100 info@auts.ac.in

Education Faculty

Dr. Birender Kaur

M.Sc, M.Ed, UGC-NET(JRF), Ph.D

Head of the Department
Research Interest: Social media research, mental health research and educational psychology

Dr. Hilal Ramzan

M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D

Assistant Professor
Research Interest: International Relations, South and Central Asian Studies, India’s Foreign Policy

Ms. Zeba Fatima

M.A., B.Ed. & M.Ed. (AMU), UGC-NET

Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Educational Psychology, Curriculum Development, Pedagogy of English and Social Science, English language and Literature

Dr. Rashim Wadhwa

B.Ed.; M.Ed., M.Phil. (NUEPA); Ph.D.(NIEPA); PDF (HSE, Russia)

Associate Professor
Research Interest: Internationalization of Higher Education and Student Mobility; Access, Equity and Quality issues at different levels of education; Student Choice and Decision making

Dr Abdul Haseeb


Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Cold War Politics, 1960’s Politico-Historical Developments in J&K, Students and Youth Activism in Modern South Asia, Politics of Plebiscite in third World.

Mr Harjeet Singh

M.A., B.Ed., UGC-NET, JK-SET, Ph.D (pursuing)

Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Sikhs and Sikhism in South Asia, Modern Education, Punjabi Diaspora, Minority Politics in North India

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Bhat

M.A., B.Ed., UGC-NET, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia