24x7: 1800-2020-100 info@auts.ac.in
24x7: 1800-2020-100 info@auts.ac.in

CSE Faculty & Associated Faculty

Dr. Upinder Kaur

MCA, M. Tech, Ph.D

Head of the Department
Research Interest: Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Bio-inspired optimization techniques

Dr. Parvin Kumar

M. Tech (IIT-Hyderabad), GATE, Ph.D, PDF (JNU)

Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Machine Learning, Social Media Analytics, Information and Communication Technology

Dr. Navroop Kaur

B.Tech, M. Tech (Gold medalist), Ph.D., GATE, UGC NET

Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Internet of Things, Fog computing, Big Data

Mr. Harpal Singh

M.Tech ( CSE) , Ph.D ( Pursing)

Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Adhoc Networks, Machine Learning and Pattern recognition

Ms. Parneet Kaur


Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Harmandeep Kaur


Assistant Professor
Research Interest: Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning