24x7: 1800-2020-100 info@auts.ac.in
24x7: 1800-2020-100 info@auts.ac.in

Mathrix Society


Mathrix Society is formed by Department of Mathematics to promote the extra curricular activities and to provide a platform for the students to understand the mathematical concepts in more interesting, practical and creative way. Various events such as quiz competition, PPT competition, poster making competition, model making competition, guest lectures, seminars, etc have been organized by Mathrix Society.

  • To spread the awareness about applications of mathematics and to sensitise the students towards the importance of Mathematics in their daily lives.
  • To provide a platform to the students to share their creative and innovative ideas about mathematics.
  • To express their hidden talent by making charts, posters, Powerpoint presentations and models.
  • To organize seminar, guest lectures from eminent mathematicians, science quiz competition, & other academic activities.
  • To organize educational trips.