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24x7: 1800-2020-100 info@auts.ac.in

Webinar on ‘Quantum Computing’

This webinar served as an introduction to quantum computing. Unlike classical computers, based on sequential processing principles, quantum computers leverage their strengths from two fundamental characteristics inspired from quantum physics, namely entanglement and superposition, which make them super powerful for undertaking certain tasks, notably inter-correlated events that need to be executed in parallel. Nonetheless, quantum computing is still in its embryonic stage and the industry needs to address challenges in scalability, technology stability, reliability, and cost efficiency.

This webinar aims to discuss the different software and hardware approaches at stake. They elaborated on how the technology, once perceived as Fundamental Physics, will lead to a number of new business opportunities, otherwise not possible using the traditional computing paradigm; these include handling processing of a number of advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) applications, cybersecurity, chemical and materials designs, as well as medical and Pharmaceutical research.

The webinar also addressed the following questions:

Is quantum computing systematically more efficient than its classical computing counterpart?

Will quantum computing ever fully replace classical computing?

Will quantum computing be a cloud play or will it support a more distributed computing paradigm?

I would extend my heartfelt invitation to all the faculty members and students of Akal University to join the webinar and make it a success.  


*Special Invitation to all the dignitaries to give us their precious time*

Topic: Quantum Computing
Time: May 24, 2021 04:00 PM India

 Resource Person

Dr. Ajay Kumar

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engg.

Thapar University

Patron: Hon’ble Vice-chancellor: Prof. Gurmail Singh

 Convener: Dr. Upinder Kaur

Co-Convener: Dr. Pravin Kumar