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Competition based on Practical uses of Mathematics

The MATHRIX society of the department of Mathematics organized a function on September 8, 2016. In this occasion, a competition of Chart presentation/ Power point presentation on the topic ‘ Practical uses of Mathematics in Real Life’ was held. Eleven students of department of Mathematics participated in this competition. Students were very much curious about this competition as it was the first function of department of mathematics in this new session.

Students elaborate their ideas in their own way. Some students made power point presentation while some explained their own made charts. The students were excited to show their hidden talent and creativity in these activities. They were admired by their fellow students and the jury members for their participation.

Rajwant Kaur and Maninder Kaur, Students of B.Sc. (1st year) well performed the act of anchoring.

Navpreet Kaur, Student of B.Sc. (2nd year) delivered the speech on topic “Mathematics in real life”.

Sanjoli (B.Sc. 1st year) and six boys of B.Sc. (2nd year) refreshed the mind of audience by reciting funny poems related to mathematics.

The Act of judgement was done by Dr. Amanpreet Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Dr. Harmanjeet Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Botony.

The prize winners students were as follows:

Sr. No. Name of Students Course Position
01 Savita B.Sc. (Honours) 2nd year Ist
02 Charanveer Kaur B.Sc. (Honours) 2nd year IInd
03 Amandeep Kaur M.Sc. 2nd year IIIrd
04 Gaganpreet Kaur B.Sc. (Honours) 2nd year Consolation prize

The programme was concluded by Ms. Isha Rani, in-charge, department of Mathematics by congratulating winner students and participants. At the end of function, refreshment was distributed among the students.

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