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Management of Mental Disorder: A Special lecture by Dr R.K. Bansal

Dr. Raj Kumar Bansal, a renowned Clinical Psychologist from Bathinda was invited to deliver a special lecture Management of Mental Disorder including Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of the problem on 8th March, 2019. He shared that even in the 21st century there are lots of misconceptions about the mental disorders. Due to lack of adequate knowledge, people often go to non-qualified quarks for the treatment of the issues related to mental disorders. People fail to manage stress and to maintain psychological well-being. He elaborated that psychosomatic disorders are caused by some psychological trauma and suppression of the unconscious mind. Only well qualified and trained clinical psychologist can understand and treat these kinds of disorders. He also shared some clinical case studies,he handled to illustrate students about the symptoms and treatment of psychosomatic disorders. Citing from his very successful career, Dr. Bansal motivated the students to choose clinic psychology as career which is not only very lucrative but also has a very bright future and demand. Dr. Ibadat Khan, HOD of Psychology Department thanked and facilitated Dr. Bansal for his sparing time and motivating the students.

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